Why download the csv file , is a version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:3207c5d96b1b404b3d371bf4692369c90602f532b4861664567836eaef089465 size 230, not a file?
starzhouchina opened this issue · 4 comments
starzhouchina commented
Why download the csv file , is a version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:3207c5d96b1b404b3d371bf4692369c90602f532b4861664567836eaef089465 size 230, not a file?
dipanjanS commented
Can you please be more specific about which file you were trying to donwload and what issue did you face? The message you have posted is not giving enough information for us to check this out.
dipanjanS commented
This was likely because Git LFS limits exceeded for this repository due to many people using it. I have purchased a new plan for the same. It should work now.
starzhouchina commented
Very good!
OK,Thank you!
xx2416 commented
could u plz show me how to fix this problem ?