Some EVM nodes don't work in realtime mode
droserasprout opened this issue · 3 comments
droserasprout commented
See EVM Networks page in docs.
scottincrypto commented
Workaround for this is to remove the ws_url
from the node datasource config. It works OK with just the rpc URL configured.
droserasprout commented
Yeah, some node providers just don't expose the WS endpoint, I don't know why. Maybe there's no bug on our end. WebSocket connection is only needed to save some RPS and reduce latency a bit. I'll keep this ticket open until all this stuff is documented.
scottincrypto commented
Correct, some don't expose it. In my tests, I used Alchemy which does provide WS endpoints and found that I couldn't get any events to fire in real-time mode. Dipdup appears to be using the WS endpoints from what I can gather.