Sticky footer not working
mpo-dev opened this issue · 4 comments
mpo-dev commented
A sticky footer does not work, it disappears when scrolling down to only appear on the bottom at the table again.
Mintenker commented
I second this, same issue happening to me.
diprokon commented
Can you share working example with the issue?
yitzchokneuhaus1 commented
@diprokon Can you provide a working stackblitz page using this package. I believe I can reproduce it
ShimonLeb commented
I think this line should be changed
const stickyFooterSelector = '.mat-footer-row .mat-table-sticky, .mat-footer-row.mat-table-sticky, .cdk-footer-row .cdk-table-sticky, .cdk-header-row.cdk-table-sticky';
for now I used this
<mat-footer-row *matFooterRowDef="columnsToDisplay; sticky: true" class="mat-header-row"></mat-footer-row>