
Pinger, nmdc: hubs operator: invalid syntax

Kcchouette opened this issue · 6 comments

./dcping ping "dchub://"
2019/03/14 18:40:51 invalid info hubs operator: invalid syntax
{"name":"Stealth Group - Hub�","desc":"���������, �������� �������� � ���������� �������������! ������!!! ������� , �����!!! .px.","addr":["dchub://","dchub://localhost:411"],"soft":{"name":"PtokaX","ext":["NoHello","UserCommand","UserIP2","BotINFO","HubINFO"]},"users":631,"share":296853496399655,"status":"error"}

Cannot reproduce, probably happens because of specific user tag. Need to catch it with --debug.

I have another code now:

 ./dcping ping "dchub://" --encoding CP1251
2019/05/03 19:13:41 invalid hubs counts: "8/"
{"name":"Stealth Group - Hub™ - Ноу спам, ноу фэйк, ноу .... Только приятное общение!","addr":["dchub://"],"soft":{"name":"PtokaX","ext":["ZPipe0","NoHello","UserCommand","UserIP2","BotINFO","HubINFO"]},"users":2044,"share":1292959386220070,"status":"error"}

And just after, I has work as nothing append:

 ./dcping ping "dchub://" --encoding CP1251
{"name":"Stealth Group - Hub™","desc":"Викторина, приятный колектив и адекватная администрация! Заходи!!! Общайся , Качай!!! .px.","addr":["dchub://","dchub://localhost:411"],"soft":{"name":"PtokaX","ext":["ZPipe0","NoHello","UserCommand","UserIP2","BotINFO","HubINFO"]},"users":2163,"share":1358776020911394}

Jus about how do i execute ping?
Whats the command line - where are the settings - how does it get hub addresses to ping etc...
Is there any documentation on this?
Can it ping hubs in strict TLS v.1.3?

Thanx for anyhelp.

@HadesDCH as it sems another issue (a doc one), in a perfect world, you would open a new issue

About you're asking, you execute ping using the dcping project on this repo ( )
You can see some option here:


Lines 120 to 131 in ac062d9

pingOut := pingCmd.Flags().String("out", "json", "output format (json, xml or xml-line)")
pingUsers := pingCmd.Flags().Bool("users", false, "return user list as well")
pingDebug := pingCmd.Flags().Bool("debug", false, "print protocol messages to stderr")
pingPretty := pingCmd.Flags().Bool("pretty", false, "pretty-print an output")
pingNum := pingCmd.Flags().IntP("num", "n", runtime.NumCPU()*2, "number of parallel pings")
pingTimeout := pingCmd.Flags().DurationP("timeout", "t", time.Second*5, "ping timeout")
pingFallbackEnc := pingCmd.Flags().StringP("encoding", "e", "", "fallback encoding")
pingName := pingCmd.Flags().String("name", "", "name of the pinger")
pingShare := pingCmd.Flags().Uint64("share", 0, "declared share size (in bytes)")
pingShareFiles := pingCmd.Flags().Int("files", 0, "declared share files")
pingSlots := pingCmd.Flags().Int("slots", 0, "declared slots")
pingHubs := pingCmd.Flags().Int("hubs", 0, "declared hub count")

how does it get hub addresses to ping

from yourself

For tls v1.3, test it and report the problem in another issue if problem occur

Yes - i'm sorry, i should've opened n new issue.
Thanx for your help. Now i know.
I will def test it tonight and if something comes up this time i will open an issue ticket.

Seems like using --encoding CP1251 works, so I'm closing this one. Feel free to reopen.