Ping: unfriendly error on temp ban
Kcchouette opened this issue · 1 comments
Kcchouette commented
./dcping ping "dchub://"
{"name":"U PePKa","desc":"PePeK's CzDC @ PtokaX Test Hub.px.","addr":["dchub://","dchub://"],"soft":{"name":"PtokaX","vers":"","ext":["NoHello","UserCommand","UserIP2","BotINFO","HubINFO"]},"users":228,"share":118156885255439}
./dcping ping "dchub://" --out xml
2019/03/14 18:55:12 nmdc: chat message, got command
<Hub Name="" Address="dchub://" Status="Error" ErrCode="0"></Hub>
dennwc commented
The hub temporary bans the pinger for 1 hour if you ping it twice, hence the error.
Still, need to make the error message clear.