
"MILP" in package title throws NOTE in CRAN checks

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The current package title (i.e. "COIN CBC MILP Solver Bindings") throws a NOTE in the CRAN checks (on WinBuilder) because "MILP" is not recognized as a word (see below). To help reduce friction when submitting this package to CRAN, I wonder if it's worth tweaking the package title to avoid this note? What do you think @dirkschumacher? This is just a suggestion -- I personally think the package title is perfectly fine -- I just want to help avoid wasting your time during CRAN submission?

If you think it's worth changing the title, what would you like to change it to? Possible options could include "COIN CBC Solver Bindings" or "COIN CBC Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver Bindings"? If you want to change the title, please let me know and I can submit a PR with the relevant changes?

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Dirk Schumacher <XXXXX>'

New submission

Version contains large components (

License components with restrictions and base license permitting such:
  GPL-3 + file LICENSE
  Cbc, Cgl, Osi, and Clp are licensed under the Eclipse Public License.
  Rcpp is licensed under GPL.

Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
  MILP (3:17)