
result of crosswalk seems to be prefValue, not targetConcept

Closed this issue · 2 comments

set obs 1
gen isco="8123"
derivescores crosswalk isco, from("ISCO-88_Ganzeboom") to("EGP_Ganzeboom") generate(egp)
tab egp
* egp should be VI (not 8)
derivescores crosswalk isco, from("ISCO-88_Ganzeboom") to("EGP_Ganzeboom") generate(egpnum) asnumeric
tab egpnum, miss
* egpnum should be 8, but now . (missing)

I can't reproduce the problem; to me, everything looks fine:

set obs 1
gen isco="8123"
derivescores crosswalk isco, from("ISCO-88_Ganzeboom") to("EGP_Ganzeboom") generate(egp)
derivescores crosswalk isco, from("ISCO-88_Ganzeboom") to("EGP_Ganzeboom") generate(egpnum) asnumeric
list , nolabel
     | isco   egpnum   egp |
  1. | 8123        8    VI |

What's the point?

Has been perhaps an issue with the update mechanism.