
Nice way to print formatted function tables, or formatted lists

Closed this issue · 1 comments

For example, if we want to print a truth table for a boolean function, right now the only options are:

  • Just use a list comprehension like [(p,q,f(p,q)) | p in [false, true], q in [false, true]] but this is not formatted nicely and hard to interpret.
  • Use examples/truthtable.disco which returns a nicely formatted truth table as a string, intended to be used with :print, but it's kind of magical and doesn't generalize well.

A simple idea would be just the ability to print lists in table format. Then at least the list comprehension would be formatted more nicely.

More generally we could have a special command for taking a function and printing a formatted table of its input and output values, either an exhaustive table in the case of finite inputs, or truncated in the case of infinite.

So perhaps there could be a special command :table that works in a type-directed way. When given a list expression, it prints a formatted table with one row per list element (and possibly with multiple columns depending on the type of the elements, e.g. lists or tuples). When given a function expression, it prints a table of inputs and outputs.

Related: #86 , #63 .

Closed by #376 .