
Support thread_id query parameter

06000208 opened this issue · 3 comments

Allowing the ?thread_id= query parameter in urls would enable sending webhooks to threads, ie:


Presently urls which use query parameters are deemed invalid, and it doesn't appear to let you send them

See https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/threads#webhooks & https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook-query-string-params for details

Explicit support (like a "Thread ID" box) would be far better for UX IMO rather than telling users to tack on a query parameter, although I see where you're coming from in that support in the first place is better than nothing.

Ah, yeah, it would be better UX. Thought it was implied adding an input for thread ids could be how discohook adds support, or I would've mentioned it in the op.

Yep, please add this. That would be useful.