[Bug]: Can`t delete or modify ephemeral message after Interaction error 10008 Unknown Message
NnN6574 opened this issue · 2 comments
Check The Docs
- I double checked the docs and couldn't find any useful information.
Verify Issue Source
- I verified the issue was caused by Discord.Net.
Check your intents
- I double checked that I have the required intents.
Шn the event handler of the message components сan`t delete or modify ephemeral message after Interaction error 10008 Unknown Message
ex. 3.14.1
Working Version
No response
info: Discord.Addons.Hosting.Services.DiscordHostedService[0]
Discord.NET hosted service is starting
info: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Discord: Discord.Net v3.14.1 (API v10)
info: Discord.Addons.Hosting.Services.CommandServiceRegistrationHost[0]
Registered logger for CommandService
info: Discord.Addons.Hosting.Services.InteractionServiceRegistrationHost[0]
Registered logger for InteractionService
info: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: Connecting
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: D:\Projects\DarkBotv2\bin\Debug\net8.0
[General/Verbose] 22:17:21 Rest GET gateway/bot: 519,1 ms
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Received Hello
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Heartbeat Started
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Identifying
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Sent Heartbeat
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Sent Identify
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Received HeartbeatAck
[General/Debug] 22:17:21 Gateway Latency = 203 ms
[General/Debug] 22:17:22 Gateway Received Dispatch (READY)
[General/Debug] 22:17:22 Gateway GuildDownloader Started
warn: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: You're using the GuildPresences intent without listening to the PresenceUpdate event, consider removing the intent from your config.
[General/Warning] 22:17:22 Gateway You're using the GuildPresences intent without listening to the PresenceUpdate event, consider removing the intent from your config.
warn: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: You're using the GuildScheduledEvents gateway intent without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from your config.
[General/Warning] 22:17:22 Gateway You're using the GuildScheduledEvents gateway intent without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from your config.
warn: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: You're using the GuildInvites gateway intent without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from your config.
[General/Warning] 22:17:22 Gateway You're using the GuildInvites gateway intent without listening to any events related to that intent, consider removing the intent from your config.
info: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: Connected
[General/Info] 22:17:22 Gateway Connected
[General/Debug] 22:17:22 Gateway Raising Event
[General/Debug] 22:17:22 Gateway Received Dispatch (GUILD_AVAILABLE)
[General/Verbose] 22:17:22 Gateway Connected to АЗС #1 World RP
[General/Debug] 22:17:22 Gateway GuildDownloader Stopped
info: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: Ready
[General/Info] 22:17:22 Gateway Ready
[General/Verbose] 22:17:23 Rest PUT applications/1219611352549818439/commands: 421,48 ms
[General/Debug] 22:17:33 Gateway Received Dispatch (INTERACTION_CREATE)
[General/Verbose] 22:17:33 Rest POST interactions/1220451261128900719/aW50ZXJhY3Rpb246MTIyMDQ1MTI2MTEyODkwMDcxOTp3eDJ5dmNVZEZXR0xoVFduZHBzSlJBOXFtOWpxa1Z4SjhZd0FBTUJiWUdZT0ZEdmJQYVhZTVFrNjE3WUJYQXo3SHZ4TVZhcWx5U1VscEJRV3pkTTh1elJaQTdPVjZsMzBiVDVIaDNUMGVKMjJOQTFEZzhTaEdUb0taalNOc3lWSQ/callback: 330,3 ms
after RespondAsync
Name: dark_one_frome_three Id: 1220071058070306836
[General/Debug] 22:17:33 Gateway Received Dispatch (MESSAGE_CREATE)
[General/Debug] 22:17:42 Gateway Received Dispatch (INTERACTION_CREATE)
warn: Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient[0]
Gateway: A ButtonExecuted handler has thrown an unhandled exception.
Discord.Net.HttpException: The server responded with error 10008: Unknown Message
at Discord.Net.Queue.RequestBucket.SendAsync(RestRequest request)
at Discord.Net.Queue.RequestQueue.SendAsync(RestRequest request)
at Discord.API.DiscordRestApiClient.SendInternalAsync(String method, String endpoint, RestRequest request)
at DarkBotv2.Services.GameInteractionHandler.ButtonExecuted(SocketMessageComponent component) in D:\Projects\DarkBotv2\Services\GameInteractionHandler.cs:line 78
at Discord.EventExtensions.InvokeAsync[T](AsyncEvent`1 eventHandler, T arg)
at Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient.TimeoutWrap(String name, Func`1 action)
[General/Warning] 22:17:42 Gateway A ButtonExecuted handler has thrown an unhandled exception.:
Discord.Net.HttpException: The server responded with error 10008: Unknown Message
at Discord.Net.Queue.RequestBucket.SendAsync(RestRequest request)
at Discord.Net.Queue.RequestQueue.SendAsync(RestRequest request)
at Discord.API.DiscordRestApiClient.SendInternalAsync(String method, String endpoint, RestRequest request)
at DarkBotv2.Services.GameInteractionHandler.ButtonExecuted(SocketMessageComponent component) in D:\Projects\DarkBotv2\Services\GameInteractionHandler.cs:line 78
at Discord.EventExtensions.InvokeAsync[T](AsyncEvent`1 eventHandler, T arg)
at Discord.WebSocket.DiscordSocketClient.TimeoutWrap(String name, Func`1 action)
Removed: 339654874142867456
[General/Debug] 22:17:58 Gateway Received Dispatch (PRESENCE_UPDATE)
[General/Debug] 22:17:58 Gateway Sent Heartbeat
[General/Debug] 22:17:59 Gateway Received HeartbeatAck
[General/Debug] 22:17:59 Gateway Latency = 156 ms
private async Task StartOneFromThreeGame(SocketSlashCommand command)
var builder = new ComponentBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++)
builder.WithButton($"{numbers[i]}", $"OneFromThree_{i}", style: ButtonStyle.Secondary);
await command.RespondAsync("title", components: builder.Build(), ephemeral: true);
private async Task ButtonExecuted(SocketMessageComponent component)
Console.WriteLine(component.Message.Id); // message id (1220444646094671953)
var msg = component.Message;
await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = "", (RequestOptions.Default)); // 10008 Unknown Message
//await msg.DeleteAsync(RequestOptions.Default); // 10008 Unknown Message
<PackageReference Include="Discord.Addons.Hosting" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Discord.Addons.Interactive" Version="2.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Discord.Net" Version="3.14.1" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core" Version="2.4.3" />
<PackageReference Include="MySql.Data" Version="8.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.3" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Threading.Tasks" Version="4.3.0" />
- OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
- Architecture: x64 (vps)
- .Net: 8.0
You can't use regular Modify/DeleteAsync
methods on ephemeral interaction responses.
Use IMessageComponent.UpdateAsync
of Modify/DeleteOriginalResponseAsync
instead. Note that the two latter ones are followup methods and require the interaction to be already acknowledged (ex. with DeferAsync
A docs page to help you understand interactions flow
You can't use regular
methods on ephemeral interaction responses. UseIMessageComponent.UpdateAsync
instead. Note that the two latter ones are followup methods and require the interaction to be already acknowledged (ex. withDeferAsync
)A docs page to help you understand interactions flow
Thank you, I previously used the Modify/DeleteOriginalResponseAsync
method but I did not specify its parameter RequestOptions
which is why the error persisted. The default null
value was creating an error for me