- 2
- 2
[Bug]: 400 Bad Request on Bot Start.
#2656 opened by SecondNewtonLaw - 3
- 12
- 2
- 0
[Bug]: DM channels and messages does not get cached
#2638 opened by DorkixAzIgazi - 0
MyGet packages versioning issues
#2650 opened by Misha-133 - 1
- 27
[Bug]: AddRoleAsync() and AddRolesAsync() removes roles after adding them
#2655 opened by douglasparker - 3
[Bug]: Interaction responses being ratelimited
#2618 opened by CrisFeo - 1
[Additional Information] to the slash commands doc
#2637 opened by Detective-Tapp - 0
#2596 opened by xPaw - 1
- 0
- 4
- 10
[Bug]: ExecuteCommandAsync is not returning an error on failed Preconditions
#2559 opened by DontEatOreo - 3
Create new Webhook from the client
#2658 opened by drizzle-mizzle - 1
Possible idea for future?
#2612 opened by nkrs200 - 3
[Bug]: Unknown channel type on Forum
#2643 opened by Exorion1er - 3
[Bug]: Webhook ratelimit times out when spamming messages.
#2592 opened by csmir - 2
[Bug]: Reason parameter in BanAsync() method is ignored
#2626 opened by Liege72 - 16
- 0
How to restrict text command processing in ModuleBase<SocketCommandContext>?
#2636 opened by panthernet - 3
- 2
- 3
(v4) (Re)/Move Emoji Dict
#2589 opened by csmir - 1
Support Proxying DiscordSocketClient
#2625 opened by Universal-Omega - 0
Add support for with_expiration in GetInviteAsync
#2586 opened by ForceFK - 0
[Feature Request] Add support for thread_name
#2553 opened by zunath - 8
Nullable arguments should be treated as optional?
#2607 opened by GotoFinal - 1
- 1
- 2
[Bug]: Sending DMs can cause rate lmit issues.
#2595 opened by QuinnDamerell - 3
[Bug]: When creating a post in a forum thread where tags are required, it fails even if you have a tag
#2583 opened by ZakFahey - 10
Discord bot not going offline when disconnecting
#2569 opened by pogrammerX - 0
(v4) Redo CleanContent
#2588 opened by csmir - 1
Add a way to get @me
#2570 opened by Sasino97 - 1
[Bug]: SocketMessageComponent.Message.ReferencedMessage always returns null
#2567 opened by drizzle-mizzle - 2
Discord Linked Roles feature
#2566 opened by DurtyFree - 0
(v4) Modal factory reorder in modal send methods
#2581 opened by csmir - 10
[Bug]: Button regex does not work
#2555 opened by SylveonDeko - 1
[Bug]: RTCRegion is not sets in CreateVoiceChannelAsync
#2563 opened by vl4d1at0r - 0
- 2
[Bug]: Remove the `reason` field from `AddBanAsync` and `KickAsync` methods or make them obsolete
#2538 opened by 1NieR - 5
Discord Select Menu types
#2568 opened by Tyndareus - 3
Can't create a new message variable with a specific user and specific content.
#2556 opened by aggiczy - 5
[Bug]: SocketMessage.Content is empty
#2554 opened by HughPH - 2
- 1
- 0