
All my suggestions for Zephyr Client.

Humii5592 opened this issue · 3 comments

@disepi here are my suggestions for Zephyr Client that will improve it a lot:

Add NoClip (like the fadeaway one, if you don't know what I mean, check this video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b40zpU0bCg&t=42s)

Add Reach
Add AimAssist
Add option in InventoryCleaner to only hold 1 pickaxe
Add option in InventoryCleaner to drop all axes
Add option in InventoryCleaner to only hold Andesite and Crumbling Cobblestone in Skywars (not any other blocks besides those because I sometimes accidentally pick up other blocks when using InstaBreak)
Add Lifeboat disabler
Add Mineplex disabler
Fix InvMove (I get error messages in chat saying "[zephyr] Error running InvMove" and it lags my game out like crazy)
Make Hive disabler better (I have to use a bhop thats equivalent to sprinting and jumping and if I go above 3.8 speed, I get kicked)
Fix InfiniteAura (on MiNET mode, it trys to attack the players but doesn't. on Ease mode, it also doesn't work. And I don't want EaseAuthInput moving me around the place so why not just fix InfiniteAura on all modes tbh)

please add these features / fix these issues

oh and by the way the hive disabler i didnt mean to add that what i meant is can you add pingspoof disabler pls

and remove flareonmulti regen and rename flareonsingle to flareon so only regen flareon and it increase fps when you using arraylist

and make velocity show the percentage of velocity you are using in mode instead of full or percentage mode