
A datapacks for BlazeandCave's that fixes bugs in existing advancements and improves the user experience.

Primary Languagemcfunction

These datapacks were created for my AchieveToDo [BACAP] modpack but were extracted as separate projects. I hope this will be useful to someone.

This is a small datapack that fixes some minor bugs of the BACAP:

  • Fix wrong description for "Fashion Statement" advancement completion chat message.
  • Fix untranslatable scoreboard titles, "Advancement Legend" completion titles, etc.

And also this datapacks adds support for some mods:

  • AdvancementsSearch - You can click on an advancement in chat to open the advancements window and highlight it.

  • Invulnerable++ - Makes all trophy items invulnerable.

  • FakeItems - Makes all trophies non-functional as real game items.

It is not necessary to install these mods; datapacks will work without them. I just added support for these mods.