
Navigation Endpoint example 8 difficulty

hcayless opened this issue · 4 comments

The example in https://github.com/distributed-text-services/specifications/blob/master/Navigation-Endpoint.md, "Example 8: Passages grouped by the provider" leads us to question the utility of the groupBy parameter. We (Hugh, Ian, and Jonathan) would like to see a use case for it. Otherwise, consider removing it?

I am honestly fine with dropping it. I think it's a feature from CTS (I'd need to check before the meeting) but it's generally doable with compute on the client side easily while asking for one more thing on the server side.

Decision 22-04-2022: Parameter groupBy deprecated. Dropped in next Draft.

This use case is still on the specifications (https://distributed-text-services.github.io/specifications/). Has it been definitively removed ?

The specification will be cleaned up next week, as a workshop is happening to finish the draft and clean up such messes.