
UILaunchImage shown after IronSource Video did closed on iOS

mwelk opened this issue · 8 comments

mwelk commented

With IronSource we experience the following strange behaviour:

  1. user starts video ad
  2. application launch image visible for a very short time
  3. video ad starts playing
  4. video ad did finish
  5. user closes video ad
  6. application visible for a very short time
  7. application launch image appears and keeps staying

application launch image is the image defined in:

                        <string>{320, 568}</string>

Test-Ads or other adapters work fine.

AIR: 33.1.1300
OS: iOS 12.4.9
ANE-Adverts: 10.1.037
ANE-Adverts-Mediation: 5.1.0

Does this occur if you use the new launch storyboard instead?

mwelk commented

Did not heard about storyboard yet ;-) I have to find out how to use it first...

It is a requirement now so you should definitely move to it asap.

mwelk commented

Ok, app is now using storyboard but the behaviour stays the same for IronSource.

So after an IronSource ad mediated through AdMob your app is no longer visible, you only see the launch storyboard?

mwelk commented


Okay, will have to investigate this one, seems like it must be an issue in the ironsource / admob implementation though as we don't control that aspect of the display on iOS.

If you find any other references / bug reports on the web please let us know.

Could you verify this is still happening with the latest SDK version?