
Medium Like Blog (backend) created with Node JS and Express and MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Medium Like Blog - Backend

Medium Like Blog (backend) created with Node JS and Express and MySQL.

Technology Stack:

NodeJS (Platform) , Express (Framework) JavaScript (Programming Language) , MySQL (Database) Sequelize (ORM) , Mocha (Testing Framework) , Swagger (API documentation)

Project Structure:

We will structure our application using the controller, service, and, manager pattern so our app will be broken into the managers, services, and controllers. The Manager-Service-Controller pattern breaks up the business layer of the app into three distinct layers:

  • The manager class handles getting data into and out of our data store. A manager is used between the service layer and the model layer. For example, in the opportunityManager you would create methods that write/read a opportunity to and from the database.
  • The service class calls the manager class and can combine their data to form new, more complex business objects. It is an abstraction between the controller and the manager.
  • A controller contains very little logic and is used to make calls to services.

Unit Testing:

  • Currently we are working on the implementation of unit-tests.

  • This will improve the our codebase & help to manage all the wierd cases.

  • We are using Mocha for the unit-testing. We welcome you, for helping us to improve test casing.

How to Contribute :

  • Open source contributions are all about making changes to the project and pushing PRs to ensure that your contribution can be made visible in the final project.

  • Once you have browsed through the repo of the project you should glance at the tech stack required for this project.

  • Take a look at the existing issues or feel free to create your own issues!

  • Read the Contribution Guideline very thoroughly to meet the expectations of the project.

  • Wait for the issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.

  • Fork the Repo and create a Branch for the specific Issue that you are working upon.

  • Make your changes and create a Pull Request which will be promptly reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it before merging.

  • Add Screenshots to help us know what the Script is all about.

Installation Instructions:

Please use NPM for installing and managing dependencies. If you use Yarn, make sure to run prepare script after installing packages: yarn prepare. This will install git hooks using husky.

clone the repository to your local machine

$git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/Medium-like-Blog-Backend.git

navigate to the project's directory

$cd Medium-like-Blog-Backend

install all the relevant (dev) dependencies using npm

$ npm install

Copy .env.example to .env

start application

$ npm start

Visit http://localhost:3030/ in your browser