
reworkOrientations: Unable to create a room

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • This should work as floorUnit is optionnal
cedrok@OGrEE3D:/Physical$> +ro:RWOR.SITE.BLDG.ROOM1@[0,0]@[22.8,19.8,2]@0@+x+y
OGREE: Unrecognised command!
  • Cardinal coordinates are the old form... +x+y is a valid axisOrientation.
cedrok@OGrEE3D:/Physical$> +ro:RWOR.SITE.BLDG.ROOM1@[0,0]@[22.8,19.8,2]@0@+x+y@t
Error : Invalid axisOrientation! You must provide cardinal coordinates of the form -W+S
  • axisOrientation not recognize in a room template
cedrok@OGrEE3D:/Physical$> +ro:RWOR.SITE.BLDG.ROOM2@[22.8,19.8]@0@new-room
Error : Axis Orientation should be on the payload

cedrok@OGrEE3D:/Physical$> get /Logical/RoomTemplates/new-room
    "axisOrientation": "+x+y",
    "category": "room-template",
    "colors": [],
    "createdDate": "2023-01-17T17:31:15.673Z",
    "floorUnit": "t",
    "id": "63c6db63b06691d246256edc",
    "lastUpdated": "2023-01-17T17:31:15.673Z",
    "pillars": [
        { "centerXY": [3,12], "rotation": 45, "sizeXY": [0.3,0.3] },
        { "centerXY": [7,7],  "rotation": 30, "sizeXY": [0.3,0.3] }
    "reservedArea": [3,1,1,3],
    "rows": [],
    "separators": [
        { "endPosXYm": [3,12], "startPosXYm": [3,0],  "type": "wireframe" },
        { "endPosXYm": [3,12], "startPosXYm": [0,12], "type": "plain"}
    "sizeWDHm": [9.6,22.8,3],
    "slug": "new-room",
    "technicalArea": [5,0,0,0],
    "tiles": []

Resolved as of db1847a on branch issue138CreateRoom. Be sure to use the latest commit on the 'reworkOrientations' branch of the API

Wrong error with the rotation parameter:

cedrok@OGrEE3D:/Physical$> +ro:DEMO.RWOR.BLDG.ROOM1@[0,0]@0@[22.8,19.8,0.5]@+x+y
Error : Please provide a numerical value for the rotation

Here [rotation] and [size] are switched. The error should be on the [size] as it's the first error in the line (and not a vector3)

As of b356cde the size checking occurs before rotation checking

Closing comments:
The new command added has the floorunit attribute optional and no longer needed, for example:


The new axisOrientation attribute can now have cardinal coordinate values of the form +-X +-Y for example the following command is also valid
