
Data preparation BUG

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Dear Authors, when we run your code "python scripts/split_sdf.py data/crossdock2020/it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_train0_fixed.types data/crossdock2020", we have downloaded and replaced the old train0_fixed.types file, but we also got one BUG as shown in the screen shoot.
How can I solve this? Ask for help, thank you a lot!

Hi @JackAILab,

Thanks for the interest. This looks to be an rdkit error. Are you using the same rdkit version?


Yes, I have installed rdkit==2022.3.5, the detailed log of this bug is shown as follows:


Should I uninstall the rdkit or use other packge? Thank you for your replying~

By the way, when I run "python scripts/split_sdf.py data/crossdock2020/it2_tt_0_lowrmsd_mols_test0_fixed.types data/crossdock2020" , all data can be split right.

I have solved this proble by change my rdkit package, than you for your helping~