Simple bash script to generate DMG application and package installers, support background and localized licenses.
In case of an application installer, your application icon is centered at 25%,50% of your background image and the shortcut to the /Applications folder is centered at 75%,50% of your background image.
In case of a package installer, your package icon is centered at 50%,50% of your background image.
The license can be in txt or rtf format.
Localized licenses are supported, in this case the language code (ISO 639-1) is added before the extension. For instance if you provide "eula_.txt" and specify en fr, it will look for "eula_en.txt" and "eula_fr.txt".
The following languages are supported: en (English) fr (French) de (German) it (Italian) es (Spanish) ja (Japanese) ru (Russian) ko (Korean) zh (Chinese) pt (Portuguese)
Rez and ResMerger utilities (required when you add licenses) are provided for simplicity, but are part of XCode.
This script has been fully tested on OS X 10.10, 10.11, macOS 10.12 and 10.13
dmggenerator.bash dmgpath apporpkgpath backgroundpath [licensepath] [language1] [language2] [...]
Simple application installer with no license
dmggenerator.bash "installer/My Installer.dmg" "bin/My" "resources/installerbackground.png"
Simple package installer with no license
dmggenerator.bash "installer/My Installer.dmg" "bin/My Package.pkg" "resources/installerbackground.png"
Application Installer with an english license
dmggenerator.bash "installer/My Installer.dmg" "bin/My" "resources/installerbackground.png" "resources/eula.rtf"
Application Installer with localized licenses in english and french
dmggenerator.bash "installer/My Installer.dmg" "bin/My" "resources/installerbackground.png" "resources/eula_.rtf" en fr