
Main View

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  • Show tree of packages
    • First level by category/language (as per Repository metadata)
    • Second level by package
    • Last column should show current status
    • Current status should be set to action to occur (such as "Installing") instead of showing current state
    • Context menu to show alternative actions for a given state
      • If not up to date, checkbox enables "Updating". Context menu will show option for Uninstall.
    • Checkbox for category/language will select all below, and handle indeterminate states rationally.
  • Change text on primary button based on context
  • If all selected are to be installed, show "Install {n} Items"
  • If all selected for uninstall, show "Uninstall ..."
  • If mixed, show "Install/Uninstall ..."
  • Context menu functionality
    • Make install/uninstall do those actions as expected
    • Handle "Sort by..." filtering