
Landing page is sometimes blank on first run

Opened this issue ยท 11 comments

In #14, @albbas indicates that on first run the Divvun Installer is sometimes still not showing the landing page. Need to once again investigate the cause of this.

@albbas if you have time, we can try to work out the precise cause of it.

To attempt to reproduce a true first run environment:

  • Uninstall Divvun Installer and Pahkat Service (if it didn't automatically uninstall)
  • In explorer, go to the path C:\ProgramData and delete the directory Pahkat if it exists
  • In explorer, go to the path %appdata% which should expand to <your user>\Roaming and delete Divvun Installer if it exists, and Pahkat if it exists.
  • Go up one directory and into Local\, and delete Divvun Installer and Pahkat if it exists.
  • Reinstall Divvun installer 2.0 and open it. Observe behaviour.

On start Divvun Languages shows an empty screen, All repos gives this screen:
clean install

Great! So if you click the hamburger menu on the top left, and Exit, then reopen Divvun Installer, what happens?

The same result, but a flash of Loading languages passes

Sounds like it's two separate bugs, which is ... exciting.

We have an issue where if you ever previously had installed Divvun Installer, the webview can get "stuck". It just refuses to even acknowledge that a new URL has been presented to it. I'll look into this with higher priority than before. ๐Ÿ˜„

Followed the steps above to uninstall the old version, installed the new one from divvun.org. The problem seems to be solved.
I really liked the new start page, as well.

The Divvun-installer did a selfupdate from an older version to 2.0.2+4c28445073 yesterday. On startup yesterday the start screen (Divvun languages) was blank. When I toggled to All repositories all items were shown.
Today on startup, the All repositories was blank, and the menu button to toggle between Divvun languages and All repositores is blank for Divvun languages.


I'll send a logfile bundle on another channel, then do a clean install and see what happens.

Try rebooting first.

That list being blank indicates the UI did not receive a proper connection to the Pahkat Service, which is, unfortunately, a separate issue that I find difficult to reproduce.

After reboot the result is identical.

Created #17 for this.