
divvun-installer 2.0.0 on Windows installs itself, but not spellers

albbas opened this issue · 0 comments

Copy of bug report from bugzilla
To repeat:
In windows 10, uninstall all Divvun installers and proofing tools via the Settings panel. Go to https://pahkat.uit.no/artifacts/ and install the latest nightly (I installed 20200607T151551).
Follow the installation procedure, and open Divvun installer. All 2 + 3 languages are marked with "Installed. All packages up-to-date".
Open Microsoft Word (I opened Office 2016). Choose North Saami as the language of the document. North Saami is listed in the list of languages, but without ABC symbol (indicating speller).
Back in the speller, for each language, there is a symbol "..." with the option "Uninstall" (of the package the installer claims that is installed). Choose "Uninstall", and nothing happens.

Thus, the installer installs itself, but not the spellers.
The OS is Win 10 version 1909, 27.9.2019.