
Codebase for the paper 'SS SFDA: Self-Supervised Source Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments'

Primary LanguagePython

Project Page - https://gamma.umd.edu/researchdirections/autonomousdriving/weathersafe/


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Please cite our paper if you find it useful.

  title={SS-SFDA: Self-Supervised Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Road Segmentation in Hazardous Environments},
  author={Kothandaraman, Divya and Chandra, Rohan and Manocha, Dinesh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.08939},

Table of Contents

Repo Details and Contents

Python version: 3.7

Code structure


Dataset Dataloader List of images
Clear weather CityScapes dataset/cityscapes.py dataset/cityscapes_list (train_images, val_images, train_labels, val_images)
Synthetic Fog dataset/cityscapes_fog.py dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog)
Synthetic Rain dataset/cityscapes_rain.py dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog)
Synthetic Rain dataset/cityscapes_rain.py dataset/cityscapes_list (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog)
Real Fog - Foggy Zurich dataset/foggy_zurich/train(test).py dataset/foggy_zurich/lists_file_names
Real, Night Driving - Dark Zurich dataset/dark_zurich/train(test).py dataset/dark_zurich/lists_file_names
Heterogeneous Real, Rain + Night - Raincouver dataset/raincouver/raincouver.py dataset/raincouver (train_rain_fog, val_rain_fog)
Heterogeneous Real, Berkeley Deep Drive dataset/bdd/bdd_{train,val}.py dataset/bdd/bdd_list


model/drnd38.py - DRN-D-38 model
model/drnd38_attention.py - DRN-D-38 model with self-attention

Pretrained models

The pretrained models can be found here. Use eval.py to test them.

Our network

Training your own model

Stage 1: The network is pre-trained on a clear weather dataset such as CityScapes.

python train_stage1.py

Stage 2: SS-SFDA

I. Arrange the images in the increasing order of intensity (of rain/fog/snow/light), and divide into minibatches - provided by the dataset in most cases.
II. For each minibatch:
a. Initialize the network with weights from the minibatch (For the first minibatch, initialize from Stage 1)
b. python train_stage2step1.py 
c. python train_stage2step3.py. 

Stage 3: Further finetuning for heterogeneous real datasets.

I. Pick a small subset (random) of images (of the order of 5-10).
II. Initialize the network with Stage 2 weights.
III. Finetune the network with knowledge distillation
python train_stage3.py.


python eval.py

Make sure to set appropriate paths to the folders containing the datasets, and the models in the training and evaluation files.





This code is heavily borrowed from AdaptSegNet, and SAGAN