- Implementing A-Star Algorithm in a 2D map using Holonomic Constraints
- The A_Star_2D.py file contains the code to run the program based on user input. The program finds the best path and outputs a txt file containing waypoints.
Additonal Notes:
the program requires user to enter 7 inputs: Xi, Yi, initial orientation, Xg, Yg, final orientation, Clearance
the code prints the runtime and the path for reference
to run the program, just use any python editor and give the required inputs
the plotted nodes are actually rounded nodes (to the nearest 0.5)
The RPM is fixed for the bot, for right wheel it is 60 and for the left wheel it is 50.
The video submissions are included in the Zip folder.
For any questions regarding the implementation or running of the program, please contact dagrawa1@umd.edu.