
docker-hashcat on dgx

Closed this issue · 5 comments

/usr/local/share/hashcat/OpenCL/: Operation not permitted

Tried to do a test run of hashcat -b and got this error.

Downloaded and ran this version:

docker pull dizcza/docker-hashcat:cuda

Any insight?

Are you running the hashcat -b command as a root inside the docker container?

Try running hashcat -I

I ran it as root inside a docker container, hashcat -I gives the same error. Running nvidia-smi indicates I have access to GPUS.

What's nvidia-smi output? What GPU do you use? Maybe it's not supported with the installed drivers.
Try also the latest branch, docker run --gpus all -it dizcza/docker-hashcat:latest /bin/bash

I got annoyed at the system and did a reinstall of the OS, it had a whole host of other issues which were better off dealt with a fresh box. It's working now.