
Latest intel-CPU not working properly

Closed this issue · 4 comments


It seems like if you use docker pull dizcza/docker-hashcat, the hashcat throws the following error within the container:

root@901d3870e258:/# hashcat -b
hashcat (v3.6.0) starting in benchmark mode...


Started: Tue Oct 16 15:11:50 2018
Stopped: Tue Oct 16 15:11:50 2018

After attempting to manually fix the problem, I went back and got the previous intel-cpu base image from Dockerhub and after changing the download URL for hashcat, I got it working fine:

hashcat (v3.6.0) starting in benchmark mode...

OpenCL Platform #1: Intel(R) Corporation
* Device #1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz, 246/987 MB allocatable, 1MCU

Hashtype: MD4

Speed.Dev.#1.....:   116.9 MH/s (8.82ms)

Hashtype: MD5

I think the problem may be the OpenCL runtime as that's the only thing that's changed.

This was tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1, Ubuntu 16.04.3 and generic AWS linux.

Thanks for bringing it. I tried updating to recent intel opencl 18.x runtime with no luck. Maybe the issues with env paths, I don't know. If I don't get this running in a few days, I'll just revert the change to the previous opencl.
Help is welcome.

I got it working by taking the Dockerfile from https://hub.docker.com/r/dizcza/docker-hashcat/builds/bunmybfnrni7lwnumkjroqf/ which has all the old dependencies, but changed the following:

RUN cd /hashcat && \
    wget --no-check-certificate https://hashcat.net/files_legacy/${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z && \
    7zr x ${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z && \
    rm ${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z

To this:

RUN cd /hashcat && \
    wget --no-check-certificate https://hashcat.net/files/${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z && \
    7zr x ${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z && \
    rm ${HASHCAT_VERSION}.7z

I hope this helps! :)

Yeah. I would like to keep though intel opencl runtime up to date. Besides, links for the previous opencl runtimes that I hardcoded in dockerfile might get lost/removed from official intel site.

I just reverted the broken change in intel-cpu branch. Tested on my own PC. You can test it in a few minutes - once dockerhub builds the latest commit.
If anyone gets it working with the newest opencl runtime and headers, please, let me know.