
AJAX comments not working, getting redirect to /blog/comments/posted/?c=

travislbrundage opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I am having some trouble getting AJAX comments to work in my application. I want to have threaded comments with AJAX so that it gives feedback on the same page to the user, but instead I am being redirected to /blog/comments/posted/?c=[comment number]. This is the link designated by the default django comments app actually, and I am not sure why this is happening. If I look on my page, I can see the ajax template is partially loaded - The "Post" button alongside of "cancel reply" exists beneath the form, which is in the ajax template, but when I actually use it, I get the redirect.

Here is my setup. I'm only displaying the code I have relevant to implementing this app.

In my, I have:

    # Adding Threaded Comments app
COMMENTS_APP = 'fluent_comments'

In my, I have added:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # Adding Threaded Comments app
    url(r'^articles/comments/', include('django_comments.urls')),
    url(r'^blog/comments/', include('fluent_comments.urls'))

Next, I have overwritten some of the templates for my custom use case, but the changes are often minor.
In /templates/comments/base.html I have:

{% load i18n %}

{% block headtitle %}{% block title %}{% trans "Responses for page" %}{% endblock %}{% endblock %}

{% block main %}
    <div id="comments-wrapper">
        {% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

In /templates/comments/form.html I have:

{% load comments i18n crispy_forms_tags fluent_comments_tags %}{% load url from future %}

{% if not form.target_object|comments_are_open %}
    <p>{% trans "Comments are closed." %}</p>
{% else %}
    <form id="comment-form-{{ }}" data-object-id="{{ }}" action="{% comment_form_target %}" method="post" class="{{ form.helper.form_class|default:'js-comments-form comments-form form-horizontal' }}"
          data-ajax-action="{% url 'comments-post-comment-ajax' %}">
      {% if next %}<div><input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{ next }}" /></div>{% endif %}

      {% crispy form %}

      <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-10">
          <input type="submit" name="post" class="btn btn-primary" value="{% trans 'Post' %}" />
          {% ajax_comment_tags for form.target_object %}
{% endif %}

In /templates/comments/comment.html I have:

{% load i18n %}
{% load comments %}
{% load fluent_comments_tags %}
{% load friendly_loader %}
{% friendly_load avatar_tags %}
<article class="col-md-12 comment" style="{% if forloop.counter %}{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:2 %}background-color: #EEE;{% endif %}{% endif %}">
  <div class="avatar pull-left"><a href="{{ comment.user.get_absolute_url }}">{% avatar comment.user 40 %}</a></div>
  <p class="comment-description">
    {{ comment.comment|linebreaks }}
      <div class="comment-author">
        <p style="margin-top: -10px;">{% trans 'By' %} <a href="{{ comment.user.get_absolute_url }}" rel="author">{{ comment.user }}</a> on <time>{{ comment.submit_date|date:"M j, Y" }}</time></p>
      {% if user.is_authenticated %}
      <a href="#form_post_comment_div{{ }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" id="c{{ }}" role="button" data-toggle="collapse">Reply</a>
      {% endif %}

In /templates/fluent_comments/templatetags/threaded_list.html I have:

{% comment %}

  The template for threadedcomments, spiced up.
  This is included via comments/list.html

  The id="comments-..." is required for JavaScript,
  the 'comments/comment.html template is also used by the Ajax view.

{% endcomment %}
{% load threadedcomments_tags %}
<div id="comments-{{ target_object_id }}" data-object-id="{{ target_object_id }}" class="comments {% if not comment_list %} empty{% endif %}">
    {% for comment in comment_list|fill_tree|annotate_tree %}
      {% ifchanged comment.parent_id %}{% else %}</li>{% endifchanged %}
      {% if not and not comment.close %}</li>{% endif %}
      {% if %}<ul class="comment-list-wrapper">{% endif %}
          <li class="comment-wrapper">
              {% include "comments/comment.html" %}
              {% if user.is_authenticated %}
              <div class="collapse" id="form_post_comment_div{{ }}">{% render_comment_form for resource with %}</div>
              {% endif %}
          {% for close in comment.close %}</li></ul>{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

So basically everything works as I expect it to. The only thing that isn't working is that I get a redirect when hitting the "Post" button rather than updating within the page as I expect. I don't have a custom template code for the ajax comments, so it should be the default template:

{% load i18n %}
<a href="#c0" class="comment-cancel-reply-link">{% trans "cancel reply" %}</a>
<span class="comment-waiting" id="comment-waiting-{{ }}" style="display: none;">
  <img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}fluent_comments/img/ajax-wait.gif" alt="" class="ajax-loader" />{% trans "Please wait . . ." %}
<span class="comment-added-message" id="comment-added-message-{{ }}" style="display: none;">{% trans "Your comment has been posted!" %}</span>
<div class="comment-moderated-message" id="comment-moderated-message-{{ }}" style="display: none;">{% trans "Your comment has been posted, it will be visible for other users after approval." %}</div>

Basically, Line 3 and after of the ajax template don't work - but I know the template is in fact being loaded because the "cancel reply" appears, and only if I have the ajax template in my code. Have I missed something, or is there a bug with the ajax template?

Looks like this might be a duplicate of #30 , but I don't see any errors in my console. I have no indication that any of the javascript loaded incorrectly. My jQuery version I'm using is v2.2.0. Also, I'm only having the first issue with the AJAX - my threaded comments are loading as I expect.

I'm cleaning up old issues, I'm presuming this is already fixed, as my site runs on jQuery 3 already.