
Deprecation Warning

roycehaynes opened this issue · 2 comments

When running

./ syncdb

The following message displays:

/Users/foo/Sites/.virtualenvs/revup/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_mongodb_engine/ DeprecationWarning: 'descending_indexes', 'sparse_indexes' and 'index_together' are deprecated and will be ignored as of version 0.6. Use 'indexes' instead.
  "Use 'indexes' instead.", DeprecationWarning)


  • Django v1.5.8
  • Mac OSX v10.9.4
  • django-mongodb-engine==0.5.2
  • djangorestframework==2.3.14
  • djangotoolbox==1.6.2

Looks like mongodb-engine is actually complaining about the code that uses it, rather than a bug in mongodb-engine. Anyone can confirm ?