
Use Celery for email notifications and digests

benjaoming opened this issue · 6 comments

Currently, all kinds of notifications, instant or not, can only be sent by email through a management command.

By adding Celery support, we can have emails sent out when new notifications have been created and send out daily digests etc. through Celery as well...

VCAMP commented

Hey Ben. I could do some work on this if you're still interested - do you have any thoughts/suggestions on how to proceed? (i.e. should Celery become a required dependency, etc.)

@VCAMP thanks! I've had some unfortunate encounters with Celery since when I wrote the above. Not that I discourage using it, but more that I don't think it's suitable as a dependency due to it's big size and hard setup process. It's very certain that Celery cannot become a dependency. But it might be a good idea to ensure that django-nyt's utility functions are easy to hook into Celery and that it's documented...

So in brief: 👍 for PRs that remove obstacles for Celery integration! :)

VCAMP commented

What I think I could do:

  • Turn into an importable Celery task
  • Add some sort of user-specific timestamp that allows Celery to know if/when to run the task
  • Create a settings flag that allows to turn off/turn on Celery support?

@VCAMP I think Celery automatically searches for a ? You should be able to use shared_task decorator to make a generic task definition.

Possibly, you could define a sort of django model signal to call the Celery task when there's a Notification post_save signal.

But the trick is not to import Celery anywhere in the existing codebase. If you can keep it in a, that would signal to Celery users where to look because it's conventional.

Agreeing on the setting stuff, perhaps something like this:

if settings.CELERY:
    import .tasks
    post_save.connect(..., partial(tasks.notify.delay, 0))

I've never tried Celery with scheduling stuff, but perhaps leave some of the implementation for people to finalize the configuration. A new Celery is coming out and the API is changing dramatically so it wouldn't be nice to have to change too many things.

At this point, having integrated channels in #21, I'd much rather cut Celery out of the loop in terms of trying to achieve some auto-configured utopia :)

Django-channels (arriving in Django 1.10) will support asynchronous workers dispatching notifications through websockets and sending emails as background tasks.

However, it won't support scheduling within the first release, but it's stated as an intention to have this. To achieve scheduling, I'd just add the notifymail command as a cronjob.

  • Add sections about automatic Channels support to docs
  • Add sections about websockets to docs
  • Add section about Celery in Docs

A few words added on Celery integration here, feel free to pitch in :)