
Feature Request: Support Restructured Text

minthemiddle opened this issue · 2 comments

I read in the Readme file that the input is Markdown only up till now, but might get pluggable.
As Python/Django user, I highly prefer RestructuredText.
Is there specific plans to support that? Are there any related projects, which you could or will make use of to get that support?


Hi there,

Currently there is no plans to support a different syntax. Markdown is as a matter of fact a hard dependency. This is because plugins individually extend the Markdown language, and therefore an additional engine would have consequences for all plugins, which in the long run won't work.

Sorry. But on the upside, Markdown was actually created with RST in mind.

What about make an "escape directive" to write restructuredtext as embedded blocks inside markdown, in a similar way to the support of Rst in Trac?

Considerer that restructuredText is de facto standard markup to write documentation in Python projects.