
Webhook to Surveillance station

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I am using webhooks to try to get a notification thru ds cam.
If I use the webhook directly in the browser it works perfectly, but thru the SynoAI, I can see it was triggered correctly but no action on ds cam.
Even though I get in the docker history a "Webhook: Success with HTTP status code 'OK'.", no alert triggered.

"Notifiers": [
"Type": "Webhook",
"Url": "",
"Method": "POST",
"Field": "image",
"Cameras": [ "Garagem" ]

I have one for each 9 cameras

Use GET instead of POST. Seeing as you said it works fine from the browser, the browser will be doing a GET. I'm assuming that's an action rule you've setup in SSS, in which case that'll always be a GET.

Great, just to let you know it worked perfectly.