
In the last week, Telegram messages no longer specify the type of object recognized.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Former Telegram message(up until September 16th)

Telegram Message:
"Motion detected on [Camera Name]."

[Camera thumbnail with object outline and object type]

Detected 1 Objects:

Current Telegram Message:
"Motion detected on [Camera Name]."

[Camera thumbnail with object outline and object type]

Detected 1 Objects:"

The type of object is no longer present in the Telegram text part of the message, but is still present in the camera thumbnail.

I'm unable to find any updates that were applied to the environment to cause this change (I was out of town, I swear!)

Syno AI v1.2, with Synology Surveillance Station. Using CodeProject AI Server 2.2.4-Beta (the omission of Object type was happening in the previous version, too).

djdd87 commented

Do you have anything that automatically pulls the latest image? I accepted a few PRs a few days ago and haven't properly tested them yet.

Can you send me a screenshot of the message?

Hi, same issue here, this seems a regression as object type was given before. I do have watchtower that pulls latest images indeed.

I also am using Watchtower, @ichbinrodolf .

djdd87 commented

Can you try again on the latest image? I've reverted the PRs that caused these issues.