
Operation not permitted

zwap1233 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to process an audiobook (m4b) and I keep getting this error:
Error occured while merging '(PosixPath('/input/Anvil.m4b'), 'm4b', 1): [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/input/''

i run bragibooks using this command on windows with WSL
sudo docker run --rm -d --name bragibooks -v /mnt/d/Plex/audiobooks_temp:/input -v /mnt/d/Plex/audiobooks_out:/output -v /mnt/d/Plex/bragibooks_config:/config -p 8000:8000/tcp -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG

this is the full log from docker:

2023-11-15 17:06:52 addgroup: gid '100' in use
2023-11-15 17:06:52 adduser: unknown group appgroup
2023-11-15 17:06:52 chown: unknown user/group appuser:appuser
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54 +0000] [15] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54 +0000] [15] [INFO] Listening at: (15)
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54 +0000] [15] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54 +0000] [26] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54 +0000] [27] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 27
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54,893: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to sqla+sqlite:////config/db.sqlite3
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [2023-11-15 16:06:54,922: INFO/MainProcess] celery@5e8557707abc ready.
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /books
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /books
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /static/images/logo-small-black.svg
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /static/images/logo-small-black.svg
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /static/images/favicon.ico
2023-11-15 17:06:59 GET /static/images/favicon.ico
2023-11-15 17:07:02 GET /
2023-11-15 17:07:02 GET /
2023-11-15 17:07:07 POST /
2023-11-15 17:07:07 POST /
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /match
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /match
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /static/images/cover_not_available.jpg
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /static/images/cover_not_available.jpg
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /asin-search/
2023-11-15 17:06:52 Starting with UID: 99, GID: 100
2023-11-15 17:06:53 Operations to perform:
2023-11-15 17:06:53 Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, importer, sessions
2023-11-15 17:06:53 Running migrations:
2023-11-15 17:06:53 No migrations to apply.
2023-11-15 17:06:53
2023-11-15 17:06:53 128 static files copied to '/home/app/web/static'.
2023-11-15 17:06:54
2023-11-15 17:06:54 -------------- celery@5e8557707abc v5.2.7 (dawn-chorus)
2023-11-15 17:06:54 --- ***** -----
2023-11-15 17:06:54 -- ******* ---- Linux- 2023-11-15 16:06:54
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - *** --- * ---
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - ** ---------- [config]
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - ** ---------- .> app: bragibooks_proj:0x7fbbc4548e10
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - ** ---------- .> transport: sqla+sqlite:////config/db.sqlite3
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - ** ---------- .> results: disabled://
2023-11-15 17:06:54 - *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 1 (prefork)
2023-11-15 17:06:54 -- ******* ---- .> task events: ON
2023-11-15 17:06:54 --- ***** -----
2023-11-15 17:06:54 -------------- [queues]
2023-11-15 17:06:54 .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery
2023-11-15 17:06:54
2023-11-15 17:06:54
2023-11-15 17:06:54 [tasks]
2023-11-15 17:06:54 . importer.tasks.m4b_merge_task
2023-11-15 17:06:54
2023-11-15 17:07:07 GET /asin-search/
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Input Name: Anvil.m4b
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Normalized Name: Anvil
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Search URL:,product_desc,product_attrs,media&num_results=25&products_sort_by=Relevance&keywords=Anvil
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2023-11-15 17:07:07 "GET /1.0/catalog/products?response_groups=contributors,product_desc,product_attrs,media&num_results=25&products_sort_by=Relevance&keywords=Anvil HTTP/1.1" 200 8081
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Found 25 result(s) for query "Anvil"
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Search results
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 6
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Anvil - B09NRZ1KFV
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #1, Score: 74
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B09NRZ1KFV'}, {'Author is': 'Dirk Patton'}, {'Date is': '2021-12-18'}, {'Narrator is': 'Edison McDaniels'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '74'}, {'Title is': 'Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 8
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Anvil Dark - B09TMZ6KK5
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #2, Score: 71
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B09TMZ6KK5'}, {'Author is': 'J.N. Chaney'}, {'Date is': '2022-04-19'}, {'Narrator is': 'Jeffrey Kafer'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '71'}, {'Title is': 'Anvil Dark'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 12
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Anvil - 1980049734
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #3, Score: 66
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1980049734'}, {'Author is': 'S. M. Stirling'}, {'Date is': '2019-11-14'}, {'Narrator is': 'Franklin Pierson'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '66'}, {'Title is': 'The Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 14
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Anvil of Stars - B007FHFX94
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #4, Score: 63
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B007FHFX94'}, {'Author is': 'Greg Bear'}, {'Date is': '2012-03-27'}, {'Narrator is': 'Stephen Bel Davies'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '63'}, {'Title is': 'Anvil of Stars'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 12
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Anvil - B09PVNJBMM
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #5, Score: 64
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B09PVNJBMM'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Coates'}, {'Date is': '2022-01-06'}, {'Narrator is': 'Jeremy Francis'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '64'}, {'Title is': 'The Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 30
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Gears of War: Anvil Gate - B0B8LCV42B
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #6, Score: 45
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B0B8LCV42B'}, {'Author is': 'Karen Traviss'}, {'Date is': '2022-12-13'}, {'Narrator is': 'Nan McNamara'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '45'}, {'Title is': 'Gears of War: Anvil Gate'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 24
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Hammer and Anvil - 178999425X
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #7, Score: 50
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '178999425X'}, {'Author is': 'James Swallow'}, {'Date is': '2019-11-30'}, {'Narrator is': 'Emma Gregory'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '50'}, {'Title is': 'Hammer and Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 36
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Trouble with Humans - 1541419790
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #8, Score: 37
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1541419790'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Anvil'}, {'Date is': '2020-07-07'}, {'Narrator is': 'Paul Heitsch'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '37'}, {'Title is': 'The Trouble with Humans'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 16
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Anvil of War - B01D0FKUHY
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #9, Score: 56
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B01D0FKUHY'}, {'Author is': 'Erhard Rauss'}, {'Date is': '2016-03-16'}, {'Narrator is': 'Mikael Naramore'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '56'}, {'Title is': 'The Anvil of War'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 26
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Pandora's Legions - 1494548348
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #10, Score: 45
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1494548348'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Anvil'}, {'Date is': '2020-01-31'}, {'Narrator is': 'Wayne Mitchell'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '45'}, {'Title is': "Pandora's Legions"}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 16
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for On the Anvil - B002V5CMG2
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #11, Score: 54
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B002V5CMG2'}, {'Author is': 'Max Lucado'}, {'Date is': '2004-07-08'}, {'Narrator is': 'Mike Kellogg'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '54'}, {'Title is': 'On the Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 32
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Interstellar Patrol - 149454833X
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #12, Score: 37
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '149454833X'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Anvil'}, {'Date is': '2020-05-26'}, {'Narrator is': 'Eric Michael Summerer'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '37'}, {'Title is': 'Interstellar Patrol'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 16
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Skybound - B0BBKGQKZF
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #13, Score: 52
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B0BBKGQKZF'}, {'Author is': 'Scott Browder'}, {'Date is': '2023-01-03'}, {'Narrator is': 'Laurie Catherine Winkel'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '52'}, {'Title is': 'Skybound'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 14
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Skyclad - 1774244209
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #14, Score: 53
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1774244209'}, {'Author is': 'Scott Browder'}, {'Date is': '2020-08-04'}, {'Narrator is': 'Laurie Catherine Winkel'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '53'}, {'Title is': 'Skyclad'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 22
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Sellsword - B009ZN5D00
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #15, Score: 44
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B009ZN5D00'}, {'Author is': 'Cam Banks'}, {'Date is': '2013-01-08'}, {'Narrator is': 'James Langton'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '44'}, {'Title is': 'The Sellsword'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 36
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Trouble with Aliens - 1494548356
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #16, Score: 29
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1494548356'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Anvil'}, {'Date is': '2020-06-23'}, {'Narrator is': 'Paul Heitsch'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '29'}, {'Title is': 'The Trouble with Aliens'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 32
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Power of Illusion - 1541419677
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #17, Score: 32
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '1541419677'}, {'Author is': 'Christopher Anvil'}, {'Date is': '2020-02-25'}, {'Narrator is': 'Graham Rowat'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '32'}, {'Title is': 'The Power of Illusion'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 14
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Unbroken - B09SNJNSPT
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #18, Score: 49
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B09SNJNSPT'}, {'Author is': 'Marieke Nijkamp'}, {'Date is': '2022-04-05'}, {'Narrator is': 'Allison Hiroto'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '49'}, {'Title is': 'Unbroken'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 16
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for White Anvil - B086D5TP3H
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #19, Score: 46
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B086D5TP3H'}, {'Author is': 'Matt Betts'}, {'Date is': '2020-03-26'}, {'Narrator is': 'Brian Ackley'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '46'}, {'Title is': 'White Anvil'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 20
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Anvil of Souls - B08V4ZJM52
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #20, Score: 41
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B08V4ZJM52'}, {'Author is': 'Joshua C. Cook'}, {'Date is': '2021-01-27'}, {'Narrator is': 'Eric Bryan Moore'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '41'}, {'Title is': 'The Anvil of Souls'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 28
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Warrior Midwife - B0CJ5VFD1W
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #21, Score: 32
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B0CJ5VFD1W'}, {'Author is': 'E.P. Bali'}, {'Date is': '2023-10-10'}, {'Narrator is': 'Austin Rising'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '32'}, {'Title is': 'The Warrior Midwife'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 26
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Forest King - B00ATCRCZA
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #22, Score: 33
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B00ATCRCZA'}, {'Author is': 'Paul B. Thompson'}, {'Date is': '2013-01-08'}, {'Narrator is': 'James Langton'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '33'}, {'Title is': 'The Forest King'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 36
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Sisters of the Neversea - 0063086476
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #23, Score: 22
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': '0063086476'}, {'Author is': 'Cynthia Leitich Smith'}, {'Date is': '2021-06-01'}, {'Narrator is': 'Katie Anvil Rich'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '22'}, {'Title is': 'Sisters of the Neversea'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 14
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for Phallusy - B09KF8QWBR
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #24, Score: 43
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B09KF8QWBR'}, {'Author is': 'Roderick Frost'}, {'Date is': '2021-11-15'}, {'Narrator is': 'Roderick Frost'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '43'}, {'Title is': 'Phallusy'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Score deduction from album: 34
2023-11-15 17:07:07 No author found in file metadata for The Anvil of Dust and Stars - B099752867
2023-11-15 17:07:07 Result #25, Score: 22
2023-11-15 17:07:07 [{'ASIN is': 'B099752867'}, {'Author is': 'Damon Alan'}, {'Date is': '2021-07-13'}, {'Narrator is': 'Lessa Lamb'}, {'Region is': 'us'}, {'Score is': '22'}, {'Title is': 'The Anvil of Dust and Stars'}, {'Image Link is': ['']}]
2023-11-15 17:07:07 -----------------------------------
2023-11-15 17:07:11 POST /match
2023-11-15 17:07:11 POST /match
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2023-11-15 17:07:11 "GET /books/B09TMZ6KK5 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Validated ASIN: B09TMZ6KK5
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Final input path is: /input/Anvil.m4b
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Extension is: m4b
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Number of files: 1
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Making models and merging files for: /input/Anvil.m4b
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Book already exists in database, only merging files
2023-11-15 17:07:11 Adding book Anvil Dark - Backyard Starship, Book 3: by J.N. Chaney, Terry Maggert to processing queue
2023-11-15 17:07:11 GET /books
2023-11-15 17:07:11 GET /books
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,122: INFO/MainProcess] Task importer.tasks.m4b_merge_task[d03e491d-aabe-41d0-8591-de1d21535fc4] received
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,135: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] --------------- Starting to process B09TMZ6KK5: Anvil Dark - Backyard Starship, Book 3 ---------------
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,398: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Processing Anvil Dark - Backyard Starship, Book 3
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,404: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Final path format: J.N. Chaney/Anvil Dark/Anvil Dark - Backyard Starship, Book 3
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,404: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Complete output path: /output/J.N. Chaney/Anvil Dark/Anvil Dark - Backyard Starship, Book 3
2023-11-15 17:07:12 [2023-11-15 16:07:12,521: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Processing single m4b input...
2023-11-15 17:07:21 [2023-11-15 16:07:21,690: ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-1] Error occured while merging '(PosixPath('/input/Anvil.m4b'), 'm4b', 1): [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/input/''
2023-11-15 17:07:21 [2023-11-15 16:07:21,704: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task importer.tasks.m4b_merge_task[d03e491d-aabe-41d0-8591-de1d21535fc4] succeeded in 9.580276355000024s: None
2023-11-15 17:08:56 Closing connection.
2023-11-15 17:08:56 Closing connection.

This is a permissions error with your filesystem/docker, not an issue with the project sadly.