
Missing icons in the Win build

dakujem opened this issue · 4 comments

While editing a secret, there are no icons:

In the dev console, this error occurs:
GET file:///C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Programs/vault-ui/resources/app.asar/dist/dist/8e7baace3c3e7575c8f1e0fca9aa9a9d.svg net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (username replaced correctly)

... and this is what the resources dir looks like:
(the app.asar.unpacked) dir only contains a dir named node_modules.

Version: Vault-UI-2.4.0-rc3-win.exe


I noticed the same problem for mac version...

try to unpack the app.asar then create a directory "dist" under dist (should look like this: \app\dist\dist) then copy the 2 SVG files(8e7baace3c3e7575c8f1e0fca9aa9a9d.SVG and 7f8b4fb08d1aa6aa4ab6424413e70c42.SVG), which will correct the error on the path.

pack the app directory again using asar, then overwrite the file "app.asar"

this should resolve the issue

you can google how to install asar

or i could email you the app.asar file

Is it not an issue that should be fixed in distribution files?

it should be. i guess they missed that one. but what i just provided was an immediate fix if you want to have it running