
not working in chrome 90

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Seems like the encryption method in chrome 90 has been changed, not working in this version

cause by the "Convert.FromBase64String(row["encrypted_value"].ToString())"

don't know how to fix this

I haven't looked at this in quite some time, but you can try the version specified in GhostPack to see if it also encounters the same problem (located here:

Well, tried sharpdpapi as well with sharpchrome, doesn't work on chrome 90.

Alright, we'll look into it. Thanks for the report!

So I'm running Windows Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 both on an upgraded in place VM, and on a fresh Chrome install in a new VM. For both I saved a new logon, and was able to decrypt the value fine with both SharpChromium and SharpDPAPI.

Do you have any details on the changes that are possibly made? I'm just not able to recreate the issue.

maybe try to recover the cookies

Out of curiosity, does anything change if it runs as standard user vs admin?