
Registration Error

HanJIk opened this issue · 14 comments

Error Domain=DJISDKRegistration-ErrorDomain Code=-5
"The bundle identifier of your app should be identical to the one you registered on the website.(code:-5)"

If you are using iOS Sample, you must make usre the bundle identifier of your app is the same as the one you have applied for the app key.

Could an error occur due to the difference between '_' and '-'?

Of course, normally we are using '_'.

Does that mean an error occurs?
I set the bundle identifier to XXX''XX, and I set it to XXX''XX in info, but it did not apply and was saved as XXX'-'XX.
So is there an error?

I think it is better that you uploaded some screenshot for me to check what is the issue. I need the bundle identifier you applied for on our developer website and the one in your project.


Your bundle identifier is weird, normally is like the iamge below, it should be

Should I download the dji mobile sdk file from github and edit the key value and bundle identifier value when running the sample project?

If you have downloaded the iOS MSDK Sample, you need to re-apply a new appkey with a bundle identifier that is identical with the Sample project. And then, you copy the appkey into your Sample project.

Where do you apply it?

Can I modify the marked part?
Bundle Identifier format
com.dji.sdksamplecode. application name
Is it

Don't modify the Bundle Identifier, you need to modify the DJISDKAppKey. You can apply the appkey from here.

In the case of the sample project, it means that only the Appkey is changed.
In case of development, do you edit the bundle identifier and the Appkey as in the comments above?

In your case of your own development, when you create your own project. The bundle identifier will be your projects, so you just apply an appkey according to what is your IDE generated.