
Bug in UpdateJoystickValue() API

Kayuse88 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I'm testing Windows SDK 0.3.1. I noticed there's a bug in api.

in class VirtualRemoteController,
the method
void UpdateJoystickValue(float throttle, float roll, float pitch, float yaw)

parameters roll and yaw are misplaced.
for example, doing UpdateJoystickValue(0,1,0,0) makes mavic air rotate about Z-axis(yaw).
and UpdateJoystickValue(0,0,0,1) makes mavic air rotate about longitudinal (X, roll) axis.

I think it is unintended result. wish to be fixed.

Public comment from Hummels Lei in Zendesk ticket #26681:

Hi this is DJI Dev support!

Thank you for your feedback. We have confirmed this problem. And we will fix it in the next version. Sorry for the inconvenience.