
At Waypoint mission, Upload Mission is finished incompletely.

ajy720 opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to execute Waypoint Mission.

So I'm running the method and checking the error message in the following order.
Init Mission -> SetGroundStationMode -> LoadMission -> GetLoadedMission -> UploadMission -> StartMission

There was no problem until LoadMission, but there was a problem with UploadMission.

The waypoint is uploaded one by one, uploaded to the last mission and returned to the "READY_TO_UPLOAD" state, or the "UPLOADING" state is maintained.

The code used is the one that successfully executed Waypoint Mission in MAVIC 2 ENTERPRISE.


private async void Mission_execute(object sender, RoutedEventArgs a)
            BoolMsg yn = new BoolMsg();
            yn.value = true;
            SDKError err = await DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetFlightControllerHandler(0, 0).SetGroundStationModeEnabledAsync(yn);
            Debug.WriteLine("GSM err : " + err.ToString());
            DJISDKManager.Instance.WaypointMissionManager.GetWaypointMissionHandler(0).StateChanged += Waypoint_Mission_State;

            err = DJISDKManager.Instance.WaypointMissionManager.GetWaypointMissionHandler(0).LoadMission(this.WaypointMission);
            if (err != SDKError.NO_ERROR)
                String dialogMsg = "Failed to Load => " + err.ToString();
            else Debug.WriteLine("Success to Load");

            err = await DJISDKManager.Instance.WaypointMissionManager.GetWaypointMissionHandler(0).UploadMission();
            if (err != SDKError.NO_ERROR)
                String dialogMsg = "Failed to upload => " + err.ToString();
                Debug.WriteLine("Success to Upload");
                DJISDKManager.Instance.WaypointMissionManager.GetWaypointMissionHandler(0).UploadStateChanged += Upload_State;

            err = await DJISDKManager.Instance.WaypointMissionManager.GetWaypointMissionHandler(0).StartMission();
            if (err != SDKError.NO_ERROR)
                String dialogMsg = "Failed to start mission => " + err.ToString();
            else Debug.WriteLine("Success to Start");


My development environment is like this:
OS : Windows 10
IDE : Visual Studio 2019
Development Language: C#
Drone: MAVIC 2 ZOOM (Firmware: V01.00.0510(latest firware)) & MAVIC AIR
SDK Version: 0.3.1

Public comment from Hummels Lei in Zendesk ticket #29206:

Hi, you say "The code used is the one that successfully executed Waypoint Mission in MAVIC 2 ENTERPRISE". Do you mean this code doesn't work well in Mavic air and Mavic 2 ZOOM? Can you provide more information about waypoint parameters?

Yes. That's right.
Above code doesn't work in Mavic air and Mavic 2 ZOOM.

Here is my Waypoint Mission parameters.
And I tested it both in the simulator at DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic and in the real world.

        private void Init_Mission(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double nowLat = Convert.ToDouble(DD.Location().Latitude());
            double nowLng = Convert.ToDouble(DD.Location().Longitude());

            WaypointMission = new WaypointMission()
                waypointCount = 3,
                maxFlightSpeed = 15,
                autoFlightSpeed = 10,
                finishedAction = WaypointMissionFinishedAction.NO_ACTION,
                headingMode = WaypointMissionHeadingMode.AUTO,
                flightPathMode = WaypointMissionFlightPathMode.NORMAL,
                gotoFirstWaypointMode = WaypointMissionGotoFirstWaypointMode.SAFELY,
                exitMissionOnRCSignalLostEnabled = false,
                pointOfInterest = new LocationCoordinate2D()
                    latitude = 0,
                    longitude = 0
                gimbalPitchRotationEnabled = true,
                repeatTimes = 0,
                missionID = 0,
                waypoints = new List<Waypoint>()
                                InitDumpWaypoint(nowLat+0.001, nowLng+0.0015),
                                InitDumpWaypoint(nowLat+0.001, nowLng-0.0015)/*,
                                InitDumpWaypoint(nowLat-0.001, nowLng-0.0015),
                                InitDumpWaypoint(nowLat-0.001, nowLng+0.0015)*/

        private Waypoint InitDumpWaypoint(double latitude, double longitude)
            Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint()
                location = new LocationCoordinate2D() { latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude },
                altitude = 20,
                turnMode = WaypointTurnMode.CLOCKWISE,
                heading = 0,
                gimbalPitch = -30,
                actionRepeatTimes = 1,
                actionTimeoutInSeconds = 60,
                cornerRadiusInMeters = 0.2,
                speed = 0,
                shootPhotoTimeInterval = -1,
                shootPhotoDistanceInterval = -1,
                waypointActions = new List<WaypointAction>()
                    InitDumpWaypointAction(1000, WaypointActionType.STAY)
            return waypoint;

        private WaypointAction InitDumpWaypointAction(int Param, WaypointActionType actiontype)
            WaypointAction action = new WaypointAction()
                actionType = actiontype,
                actionParam = Param
            return action;

Thank you for reply.

Public comment from Hummels Lei in Zendesk ticket #29206:

Hi, Mavic air and Mavic 2 ZOOM can't execute a waypoint mission. I want to know if you can see the FPV image of Mavic air and Mavic 2 ZOOM on windows SDK program.

Yes, I can't see the FPV image of Mavic 2 ZOOM on windows SDK program.
What should I do?

Public comment from Hummels Lei in Zendesk ticket #29206:

Hi please check:
1 You are using the latest version of the Windows SDK(0.3.2).
2 The remote control you are using is not Smart Controller(
3 You have already installed the driver follow the instructions on

And I think this issue(#32) may help you.