
Can't move gimbal in yaw or roll - mavic 2 enterprise dual

walseb opened this issue · 1 comments

So I have this code:

            Task<ResultValue<GimbalAttitudeRange?>> tskGimbalGet = DJISDKManager.Instance.ComponentManager.GetGimbalHandler(0, 0).GetGimbalAttitudeRangeAsync();
            await tskGimbalGet;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range max yaw: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.yaw.max.ToString());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range min yaw: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.yaw.min.ToString());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range max roll: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.roll.max.ToString());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range min roll: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.roll.min.ToString());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range max pitch: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.pitch.max.ToString());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gimbal range min pitch: " + tskGimbalGet.Result.value.Value.pitch.min.ToString());

but it returns this:

Gimbal range max yaw: 0
Gimbal range min yaw: 0
Gimbal range max roll: 0
Gimbal range min roll: 0
Gimbal range max pitch: 0
Gimbal range min pitch: -90

which suggests that the gimbal can only change pitch. I tried rotating on the yaw axis anyways and got a PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE error. Am I doing something wrong? Does this work on the android SDK?

Agent comment from William Wong in Zendesk ticket #33583:

Dear Client
Thank you for contacting DJI.

It seems weird. We have checked pitch can rotate from -90 to 30 and yaw can rotate from -75 to 75. Could you check in Android SDK to see if it returns the same result? We doubt this might be a bug.

Hopefully our solution can help you.
Kindly Regards,
DJI Developer Support