
How can I start MobilNetSSD, How to Train?

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I am impressed with your work. I want to start to make another mobilnet SSD. So, how can I improve better than you?

Hi, the short answer will be: there are a lot of tutorials of how to train SSD mobilnet using the Object Detection API of TensorFlow.

But if you want to try it quickly, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the tensorflow/model repository @ anywhere you want.

  2. Follow this instructions:

2.1) Add to ~./bashrc:

export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/PATH_TO/tensorflow/models/research:/PATH_TO/tensorflow/models/research/slim 
  1. Download the checkpoint of a pretrained model (SSD, Mobilnet-SSD, FastRCNN...) here.

  2. Replace PATH_TO_BE_CONFIGURED and number of classes at the model.config file.

  1. Train!
TRAIN_DIR=/PATH_TO_YOUR_TRAIN_FOLDER/ # for example: /home/username/Documents/project/train/

python3 object_detection/ --logtostderr \
    --pipeline_config_path=$PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH \

5.1) Watch the training process

tensorboard --logdir=$TRAIN_DIR
