- 14
Not working in Firefox
#65 opened by o-t-w - 7
Bungee Tint - Reported Warns
#116 opened by vv-monsalve - 5
Bungee Layers Rotated fonts omitted from v2 release
#119 opened by djrrb - 4
- 4
Illustrator cursor is too big
#48 opened by djrrb - 2
- 14
Reported Warns
#110 opened by vv-monsalve - 2
- 4
Vertical Kerning bug
#42 opened by davelab6 - 3
- 0
- 4
Bungee Hairline: glyphs with no contours
#113 opened by vv-monsalve - 4
Screen readers read same content multiple times
#55 opened by jeryj - 8
Diffenator proofs
#108 opened by vv-monsalve - 4
- 1
New build pipeline additional TODO
#94 opened by justvanrossum - 8
Missing vhea, vmtx and VORG tables
#67 opened by justvanrossum - 1
Chrome doesn't render vertically properly
#68 opened by jtheisen - 6
Open source build system
#76 opened by bkmgit - 0
- 5
Vertical Metrics consistency
#93 opened by vv-monsalve - 7
Bungee Shade triple render on iOS Safari (and others)
#100 opened by lfinsaas - 4
Inconsistencies with /Lslash.v slash contour
#97 opened by martelahaie - 3
Minor corrections for source file TODO
#96 opened by martelahaie - 3
- 0
- 2
- 2
Invalid type flags
#91 opened by justvanrossum - 1
Packaging release versions
#75 opened by bkmgit - 1
Build script
#46 opened by djrrb - 1
Adorei a fonte!!!
#70 opened by ClaussSauerbier - 3
Releases seems weird
#58 opened by davelab6 - 2
SBIX requires originOffset
#54 opened by djrrb - 1
Use less strikes in sbix font
#62 opened by RoelN - 2
- 10
[question] Use PDF in SBIX font?
#50 opened by miguelsousa - 3
Would it be an idea to delete all lowercase, and double-encode the uppercase instead?
#81 opened by justvanrossum - 2
- 3
- 0
Delete this
#71 opened by ylazy - 4
- 0
Remove jQuery requirement
#56 opened by chrislewiscodes - 8
The font has different heights on Windows/Mac
#60 opened by CodeBrauer - 3
COLR fonts require GID 1 = .null
#53 opened by djrrb - 4
- 3
- 2
Link in project description goes to 404
#49 opened by impallari - 1
Make GH Releases
#43 opened by djrrb - 1
Restructure deliverables
#44 opened by djrrb - 1
Authors/Contributors files
#45 opened by djrrb