
Transform your Chrome's "New Tab" page into a terminal with a chrome extension!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


As of right now when you open a new tab, click anywhere on the page to focus the prompt

Current Functionality

  • Commands and command history (Can browse with arrow keys)
  • Colored outputs!
  • Autocomplete for commands and for bookmarks in current directory.

Supported Commands

  • clear
  • exit
  • hello
  • help (super basic)
  • ls (just bookmarks so far)
  • cd folder (just bookmarks)
  • nav string (either title of bookmark in current folder or a url)

To Do List

Functionality in order of priority

  1. Prevent newtab from autofocusing omnibox (doesn't seem possible as of now. sigh.)
  2. Hotkey to focus prompt input
  3. .bashrc (at the very least PS1 & bash syntax, I want to customize my shell prompt :D {Note: vi needs to be completed before this point})
  4. Google Drive API (make a folder for saving files in case they want to be accessed locally)
  5. Settings page / .Xresources (colors, font settings)
  6. About page (sysinfo, about/suggestions)


  • cowsay
  • ps
  • vi (or some basic text editor in general)