
EC311 Fall 2015 Final Project - David, Artem, and Jessica

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EC311 Fall 2015 Final Project - David, Artem, and Jessica

Pong was made completely in behavioral Verilog to program the following device:

Family: Spartan6 Device: XC6SLX16 Package: CSG324


vga_display.v //Container that holds all of the state machines and calls all of the other modules. 

  -vga_controller_640_60.v  //Driver to control outputting onto the VGA Display
  -bin_to_4_led.v //Converts binary score to Seven Segment LED Display  (declares the two modules below aside from itself)
    -bin_to_bcd   //converts from binary to BCD
    -dec_to_led   //converts decimal digit to Seven Segment LED Display
  -vga_display.ucf //Maps inputs and outputs to the FPGA components