
s3 feature

pathcl opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello there!

Thanks for this great tool. It helps me a lot on a daily basis :)

I was thinking to add s3 support so you could write from anywhere eventually and get the same results. Do you think is worth trying it?

Hi @pathcl. Thanks for the kind words and really happy to hear that you find textnote helpful! I use it daily as well.

Whether or not to add some sort of cloud sync capability (S3 or otherwise) is something I've considered. I'm not against the idea, but let me outline the reasons I've stayed away from doing so:

  • textnote is intended to be simple and focused on doing one thing well, which is enabling a daily note-taking workflow.
  • There exist many different tools for syncing between files on a local filesystem and the cloud; I'd rather leverage one of these (and leave that choice up to each user) than to duplicate this capability within textnote. Cloud sync can be a complex feature to get right.
  • textnote intentionally writes all of its files to a single directory in part to make a cloud sync easy. The idea was to make it really easy to write plaintext files and then use any file syncing tool of your choice to sync to cloud storage and access from multiple machines. For example (and with no endorsement of any of these tools/products) it is simple to use Dropbox, Google Drive Desktop, etc to track/sync the textnote directory. Another great option is rclone, which I do love and endorse :). Because it is fairly easy to sync for the textnote directory to the cloud using existing tools, I've thought that there isn't a need to build and add this into textnote itself.

I list these thoughts to explain my rationale and certainly not to shoot your idea down. I'd love to know if you see a use case where adding cloud sync directly into textnote would be better than relying on existing third-party tools. I think it would be a great discussion to have and I'm always interested in the viewpoint of others - especially when it comes to using and improving this tool!

Thanks again and happy to discuss further!

Hello @dkaslovsky

Thank you for taking the time and reply such a detailed response.

Indeed I'd say enabling a 'cloud' or 'blob' storage would kind of deviate textnote from its origins. However one of the things I miss is the ability to read/sync from other devices (tablet/phone) but at the same time it could impose a lot of complexity as you already pointed out. For me is really handy just to open 'vim' and grep/ripgrep/fzf and then write/look for anything.

Ive seen what's available out there and in my experience there only a few tools that solve this problem in a simple way (notes for macOS for example). Sometimes I rely on telegram as a clipboard/note tool because is super simple to switch between devices and everything is always synced.

Perhaps there's no need to integrate further cloud tools and a small git repo can solve this use case

I have heard from others and know that syncing across multiple machines via cloud storage is something many (myself included) want. I'd be curious to know if syncing the textnote directory using Dropbox or something similar (with no endorsement implied) would solve the use case you describe. I make use of rclone (link in my previous comment above) but not for this exact use case, more as a backup tool together with restic.

If I'm overestimating the ease of syncing the textnote directory or if this does not solve the use case (or does but with pain-points), I'd be interested in and happy to revisit. I'm always happy to discuss further and appreciate you contributing this issue. Feel free to add any further thoughts or feedback on using third-party tools as discussed.