
Accessories showing in HomeKit but not responding

CharlesGroleau44 opened this issue · 3 comments

I reinstalled the plugin.
All accessories seems to have load.
They also show on Hoobs accessories dashboard but not responding.
I also reinstalled the hub in Apple Home Kit.
All accessories loaded.
Showing but not updating status.
I get this message in Hoobs logs.
ERROR�[31mThe plugin "homebridge-yolink" requires a Homebridge version of ^1.6.0 which does not satisfy the current Homebridge version of 1.3.4. You may need to update this plugin (or Homebridge) to a newer version. You may face unexpected issues or stability problems running this plugin.�[39m

Describe Your Problem:


Show the Homebridge logs here, remove any sensitive information.

Plugin Config:

Show your Homebridge config.json here, remove any sensitive information.



  • Plugin Version:
  • Homebridge Version:
  • Node.js Version:
  • NPM Version:
  • Operating System:

HOOBS is a commercial product and I do not own one so this plugin has never been tested with it. Based on the log message you provided, it appears that it is using an older version of Homebridge.

I suggest you ask them about whether they support this plugin on their product.


Closing as no follow-up discussion.