
ESP8266 project based on Esspressif FreeRTOS SDK 1.4.2 and esp8266-rtos-sample-code

Primary LanguageC

Based on: FreeRTOS v7.5.2 Espressif RTOS SDK ver: 1.4.0(c599790)

Project structure:

/android/ - .apk for onboarding ESP8266 to WiFi Access Point. More at https://github.com/EspressifApp/EsptouchForAndroidForRTOS

/bin/ - precompiled binaries of this project

/driver/ - source code for support of GPIO, Hardware timer, I2C, SPI and UART

/include/ - header files

/ntp/ - Network Time Protocol implementation from Richard Burton https://github.com/raburton/esp8266 . TO BE USED IN FUTURE

/tcp_client/ - Networking part. Contains TCP and UDP cleint/server parts.

/user/ - Contains main program, main.c and a jsonrpc parser, my_jsonrpc.

combo_esp.sh - Shell script for fast testing. Compiles, flashes firmaware and launches catty.py serial monitor/logger. If you want to use it in your enviroment, please edit PATH variables and USB port number according to your system. Flashing mode is following: "boot=new app=1 spi_speed=40 spi_mode=QIO spi_size_map=3". See end of this file for more info.

Makefile - makefile for compiling. In case if want to add your libraries/sourcefiles, you can do that by creating a separate directory and adding it's name to "SUBDIRS=".

gen_misc.sh - original script for setting compilation attributes and simple compilation. You may want to edit SDK_PATH and BIN_PATH before executing it. You also need https://github.com/kapitanvong/catty_script for it to work. You can set path to catty_fast.py or catty.py by changing CATTY_PATH enviromental variable.

readme.txt - I guess you reading it right now, don't you? :)

Compilation options for gen_misc:

(1) COMPILE Possible value: xcc Default value: If not set, use gcc by default.

(2) BOOT Possible value: none/old/new none: no need boot old: use boot_v1.1 new: use boot_v1.2 Default value: new

(3) APP Possible value: 0/1/2 0: original mode, generate eagle.app.v6.flash.bin and eagle.app.v6.irom0text.bin 1: generate user1 2: generate user2 Default value: 0

(3) SPI_SPEED Possible value: 20/26.7/40/80 Default value: 40

(4) SPI_MODE Possible value: QIO/QOUT/DIO/DOUT Default value: QIO

(4) SPI_SIZE_MAP Possible value: 0/2/3/4/5/6 Default value: 0


2¡¢You can also use gen_misc to make and generate specific bin you needed. Linux: ./gen_misc.sh Windows: gen_misc.bat Follow the tips and steps.