
Virtuoso DB can‘t download by the dropbox web clients

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Virtuoso DB file can't be downloaded

I download 3 times and i got little than 10GB file both.

So could you please share the process script ?

That's a bit odd. Do you have enough disk space? The file is about 53 GB.

Yes i have far more than 53GB space. Some people have same problem when download big file through Dropbox web client. I have download the original freebase successful.

I have the same question when I download the dataset.Would you please split the data for us to download or how to post-process the freebase data downloaded from the official website?I would appreciate it if you could help us

I added the script which should work for the official Freebase dump. Let me know if that doesn't work.

I appreciate your support. My computer RAM is not enough to process it. The new computer I bought yesterday is on the way. I may response you in next week.

FWIW, since the script just sequentially sweep through the data, one possibility is to split the data into several chunks to process.

OK, I will try to use little part of data to walk through test.

I finally solved it after a whole night of downloading, thank you!

I finally solved it after a whole night of downloading, thank you!

Hi Ziye, I came across the same issue downloading this file by dropbox link. Could you tell me how you solve this problem?

Hi Ziye, can you share the dataset with other netdisk?

I encountered the same issue and just solved it by downloading the file using the dropbox desktop app, instead of using a browser.