
Sorry, do not completely understand problem.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

ERROR: Can't create '/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/auto/threads/shared'
mkdir /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/auto/threads: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.10/ExtUtils/ line 479

at -e line 1
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13
/usr/bin/make install -- NOT OK
Warning (usually harmless): 'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get'
Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get'
Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get'
Failed during this command:
PMQS/IO-Compress-Bzip2-2.008.tar.gz : make_test NO
MSERGEANT/XML-XPath-1.13.tar.gz : install NO
ANDK/Devel-Symdump-2.08.tar.gz : install NO
RCLAMP/Pod-Coverage-0.19.tar.gz : install NO
PETDANCE/Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08.tar.gz : install NO
PETDANCE/Test-Pod-1.26.tar.gz : install NO
PIP/Math-BaseCnv-1.4.75O6Pbr.tgz : install NO
PIP/XML-Tidy-1.2.54HJnFa.tgz : install NO
MSCHILLI/Log-Log4perl-1.14.tar.gz : install NO
DROLSKY/Params-Validate-0.89.tar.gz : install NO
DROLSKY/Log-Dispatch-2.20.tar.gz : install NO
BYRNE/SOAP-Lite-0.69.tar.gz : install NO
MARKOV/MailTools-2.02.tar.gz : install NO
DSKOLL/IO-stringy-2.110.tar.gz : install NO
DONEILL/MIME-tools-5.425.tar.gz : install NO
DROLSKY/DateTime-Locale-0.35.tar.gz : install NO
ABW/Class-Singleton-1.4.tar.gz : install NO
DROLSKY/DateTime-TimeZone-0.72.tar.gz : install NO
DROLSKY/DateTime-0.41.tar.gz : install NO
JHOBLITT/DateTime-HiRes-0.01.tar.gz : install NO
ALEXP/Net-Domain-TLD-1.67.tar.gz : install NO
NEELY/Data-Validate-Domain-0.08.tar.gz : install NO
MUIR/modules/Net-Netmask-1.9015.tar.gz : install NO
NEELY/Data-Validate-IP-0.08.tar.gz : install NO
SONNEN/Data-Validate-URI-0.04.tar.gz : install NO
JDHEDDEN/threads-shared-1.15.tar.gz : install NO


Author: kindlund
Hi infernon,

It looks like you're trying to install the "threads::shared" Perl package on your host system, but the error message indicates that you don't have the necessary permissions to perform that installation.

Essentially, it seems that you've run the "cpan" command as a normal user. You can try re-running "cpan" as root and perform the same operations again.

If you need further troubleshooting, please include details about what you've typed to obtain this error message along with which step in the installation process you are at.

