
support for -geometry

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The original implementation from Thanassis Tsiodras contained a way to pass the -geometry option to gnuplot, in order to set the plotting window size and position.
Could you add this feature in your Perl script too?
The format is standard : when you call gnuplot, simply add -geometry to the parameter list:

open PIPE, "|gnuplot $dopersist -geometry $geometry" or die "Can't initialize gnuplot\n";

Thank you and congratulation for this project

Done. Please reopen if something doesn't work.

Thanks a lot for the quick upgrade.

I don't see any effect of this option, e.g. trying feedgnuplot --geometry '320x240+0+0' gives me the same tiny window as feedgnuplot --geometry '920x1240+0+0' – is my syntax wrong?

Your syntax is right, but this option applies only to the 'x11' gnuplot terminal. This isn't the gnuplot default anymore, so unless you specifically asked for it, that's not what you're using, and this option does nothing. Put

set terminal x11 noenhanced

into ~/.gnuplot to default to the 'x11' terminal. To control the window size for any other terminal, ask for the terminal explicitly, with the options specifying the size. For instance

--terminal 'qt size 1024,768'

I updated the documentaiton

Thanks! That makes it much nicer =D