
Support for a different field separator in stdin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have data that looks like this:

2019-12-09 16:57:05;138712
2019-12-10 19:13:44;138712
2019-12-12 15:53:57;138957
2019-12-12 16:22:58;139375
2019-12-13 14:32:26;139474
2019-12-16 16:54:11;139474
2019-12-17 16:06:39;139179
2019-12-18 17:13:14;139316
2019-12-19 16:42:33;139353
2019-12-20 16:21:48;139353

It would be useful to do feedgnuplot --separator ";" to easily be able to do --timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s'. Is there workaround?

Hi. I don't want to add that because you can easily pre-process your data with a search/replace. For instance:

< data sed 's/;/ /g' | feedgnuplot ....

The spaces in the timefmt don't affect the fields. It mostly works the way you would expect.

If this doesn't handle your use case, please reopen